
  1. Write a Java program to check if the number entered by the user is Prime number or not.
  2. Write a Java program to print all the prime numbers upto a number entered by the user.
  3. How to Score 100/100 in ISC Computer Science 
  4. Write a Program to Print the Fibonacci Series in Java
  5. Write a program in Java to print the Fibonacci Primes
  6.  Write a program in Java to check whether a given number is a Pronic Number or not.
  7.  Write a program in Java to check if the given number is NIven Number or not.
  8. Write a program in Java to check whether the given number is fascinating number or not.
  9. Write a program in Java to print a solid rectangle 
  10. Write a program in java to print a hollow rectangle. 
  11. Write a program in java to print a lower left triangle 
  12. Write a program in Java to print a hollow lower left triangle.\
  13. Write a program in Java to print a lower right triangle.
  14.  Write a program in java to print a hollow lower right triangle. 
  15. Write a program to print the upper left triangle. 
  16. Write a program in java to print a hollow upper left triangle.
  17. Write a program in java to print and upper right triangle.
  18. Write a program in java to print a hollow upper right triangle.
  19.  Write a program in java to print a triangle. 
  20. Write a program in java to print a triangle. 
  21.  Write a program in java to print an inverted triangle.
  22. Write a program in java to print a hollow inverted triangle.
  23.  Write a program in Java to pad a String.
  24. Write a Program In Java to Find the Longest Word In A Sentence
  25. Write a program in Java to find the shortest word in a sentence.
  26.  Write a program in Java to print the sum of digits of a number.
  27. Computer Science Fundamentals 
  28. Write a program in java to sort an array by using bubble sort. 
  29.  Write a program in Java to selection sort an array. 
  30. Write a program in java to perform insertion sort on an array.
  31. Book Review: The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari.
  32. Simple, Compound And Complex Sentences
  33. Conversion of Complex Sentences to Compound Sentences
  34. Conversion of Compound Sentences to Complex Sentences.
  35. Conversion of Complex Sentences to Simple Sentences 
  36. Conversion Of Simple Sentences To Complex Sentences
  37. Conversion of Compound Sentences to Simple Sentences
  38. 10 Tips To Improve Writing Skills 
  39. Article Writing
  40. Conversion of Simple Sentences to Compound Sentences.
  41. Write a program in Java to print an Emirp Number. 
  42. Inheritance In Java
  43.  Write a program in java to search a word in a sentence
  44. Write a program in Java to count the digits in a number.
  45. Write a program in Java to find the square root of a number without using Math.sqrt().


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