How to Score 100/100 in ISC Computer Science

The tips and tricks to score well in ISC computer science will obviously be the same as that to score well in any other subject but for the sake of it, lets enlist them.

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Have a Goal

Be very clear on the marks you wish to score. Honestly, as this subject usually does not play a very big role in your college admissions as compared to other subjects, it is very easy to ignore it but don’t because it will affect your aggregate.

Find a Why

The “why” to work hard at any subject in ISC must be the love to learn. If you are genuinely curious about computer science and wish to do well in it for the sake of gaining knowledge, you will undoubtedly score great marks.

Be Persistent

Computer science classes in ISC start on a very light note and it seems obvious that with regular practice, one will easily score 100/100 in the subject but as the session proceeds, the concepts get complicated and practice gets difficult. Moreover, you will have projects and journals to worry about. I will give you the solution to that in a minute but it is important that you don’t run away from these problems and face them head on and try to solve them.

Don’t Procrastinate

Don’t give 10’s of hours to the subject every day but don’t let your work pile up either. When you are given programs for journals, projects or practice, solve them as soon as possible. if you are completely stuck on a problem and are unable to solve them, visit ISCJavaCode to find a solution. I am working on the blog, so if you don’t find what you were looking for, comment your question or reach out to us on social media.

Use Buffered Reader

Your teacher might encourage you to use Buffered Reader instead of Scanner and you might not understand it’s importance in the beginning but there are many unseen complications with using Scanner that you do not want to encounter during your practical exams


Now you need a real strategy to do this. First, solve all the past year questions you can get. You will probably find this in your textbooks. If you don't find it in your textbook, there are many books online that can help you. Now, once you have solved and understood these questions, solve all the textbook exercises. Solve the worksheets, assignments and tests done during classes and keep them safely. Then, before exams, solve only past year's papers and the tests given to you by your school and you should be good to go. If there are any questions you are not able solve or understand, comment them under any of our posts or reach out to us on social media.

All the best!

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